About Us

The purposes of the Interfaith Council at TCNJ is to foster a sense of unity, peace, and acceptance between various religious groups on campus. In order to achieve this goal, our meetings will include thought-provoking and respectful discussions that are inclusive of every bodies unique beliefs. We will be encouraging our members to join us during Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and other services on campus. Furthermore, we hope to hold field trips to local mosques, temples, churches, synagogues, and other places of worship. Through these experiences, we hope that our members will be able to broaden their perspectives on religions different from their own. The Interfaith Council will also be having an annual symposium that will bring together different religious heads to talk in an open forum.  We look forward to seeing you at our meetings and events. And as always, we are open to new ideas and suggestions about how our organization can expand and improve.

Every Wednesday at 2:00PM - Bliss Hall 152
